Thursday, September 01, 2011

A thousand words of I love you.

Have you ever wonder how we first met, how I first know you, what's my impression of you, how we got on to the next stage after being friends, the things we gone through, the heartbreaks we had, the laughter we had, the sadness we came through, the stay over at your house, the memories we build, the awesome things we did, etc. 

The love we have, will only be growing and not dying or fading. Remember me telling you about apple trees? That both of us have to give in equal amount of love?  I guessed this time round I will be the one that will hope that I could give more love just so that I can keep it growing and fast. I hope time pass faster just so that we have our own family, our own home. I can't find a reason not to love you cos' loving you is the most fortunate thing and I can't help it but to love you more each day. I've found the one I prayed for, yearned for, afraid that one day you will leave me here alone. 

Baby, I really do love you and treasure you a lot, I doubt I can give you much assurance on how much I love you and how much no one can compare to you. But I will do my best cos' I really love you a lot. You did many first time with me and I can feel that you really love me a lot and dote me a lot. I'm really glad that I found you and fate bring us together.