Sunday, September 04, 2011

You + me = our lovely home.

It's weekend again! TGIF. Back to my second home which is B's house. Hehe, I always love staying over at B's house cos' he always treat me the best. Like rub my stomach when my stomach is feeling unwell, pour water for me etc. Being his girl was always the most fortunate thing that can ever happen in my entire life. *so sure I'll be his wife in future! hehehe* 

Woke up quite late today and didn't head to work cos' I was really tired. B slept with me thru out. Having him to sleep beside me is the best thing cos when I open my eyes the first thing I saw is him, so fortunate. Though at time we always snatch the blanket and stuffs but with him beside me, it's enough. Woke up around evening and his bro bought us corn soup from mos burger! How awesome is that! So nice of him. Drank mine and baby said that his was hot cos' he put two packet of pepper thinking that it wont be hot. Silly boy of mine. Therefore I gave him my soup mixing with his so that it wont be that hot but still, it's still hot. My poor boy must be feeling extremely spicy. Heartache heartache. After drinking we went to eat his mum home cooked food. Had curry and rice and some other dishes. It was motherly nice? Like those home feeling. Sucks that my mum dont know how to cook. After eating I watch a little of drama and baby resting and before leavibg home he had diarrhea. My poor boy must be suffering. He has been having diarrhea recently. Dont know what has gone wrong in his tummy ): After resting and catching up from my drama we head off as I have to go home. Really hate the feeling that I and the boy have to be seperated as I cant stay at his house very often. How I wish its everyday. ): Anyway, back to topic hus and I (decided to use hus! Nicer right!) went out but this time round hus didnt send me home cos' its late and we were afraid that he will not be able to catch the last train back. But before heading home, i have cravings for bbt but its closed alrd. Still never give up ite got starbucks instead. Happy me still! Hus and I both got our very first starbucks together. Hubby, we will have many first time okay? I love you so much. I wont be posting pics cos im blogging from my phone. Next post I will so stay tune!