Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Lovely surprise marks a lovely day ahead.

My dear hubby of mine, surprised me!! I was ecstatic, touched, loved, sweet and many more. So this is how it goes..

Knowing that I'll end work at 730pm initially the dear boy of mine said to meet me at Chinatown so that we can like lessen traveling time and at the same time can spend more time. So I suggested ah lian wanton mee for dinner.

At first that was the initial plan but I can leave at 6pm (usual timing instead) so still having ah lian wanton mee. However the boy suggested to bring me to an Italian restaurant he used to go. He said it was cheap and nice. So we decided to head there after work.

I meet him there as he reached there first. So I waited awhile as he told me he's at the toilet and told me roughly where to meet.

He was taking quite awhile so I decided to walk around, he told me to stay at the spot though so I decided to walk back. Suddenly, there's a hand covering my eyes from behind and gave me a shock.

I turned and saw the boy with a present on his hand. I was shocked and surprised (really cos I somehow like the feeling that he cover my eyes from the back).

Was jumping around like a small girl cos I was super happy!! Went in to the restaurant and found out that it was really cheap and best thing is what you know?! GOT ESCARGOT. Best uh!! My favourite. (obviously I ordered that for myself cos Hus don't eat it. He sadboy89. Hahahaha.

I ordered my food and Hus ordered his. The drinks was free flow!!! It's like cheaper than astons but different style from astons.

Our food came and we spilt half each for each other. I was eating my chicken half way till almost done and Hus took a bite that I cut for him previously. He spit out cos he feel weird. The chicken was uncooked!! Cb limbei still eat until gan song lor. Called manager out... Thinking I will scold right? No lor!! Hus don't let me cos like he reasonable one but I not reasonable mah. Of course!! Cos I eat!! If with parents the person will regret coming out to talk to me and make sure the person don't charge my food money. Anyway, Hus food was nice!! The beef superb! Overall rate 8/10 cos cheap nice and yah except for my chicken. Worth trying!!

After that went to walk around and stuffs and sat at mac cos nth to do and wanted to take pics. Must be memorable!!

Still, thanks baby for the surprised and the treat. I am really really happy and touched and I really love you. Youre so sweet!! Didn't expect that. Really thank you hub!! Muacks. I really happy to know you and be love by you. I'm really blessed. Thanks for everything. You are the best thing that can happen on me.

The restaurant baby brought me to!!


Things inside the pressie

Escargot! (my boy don't dare to try! LOL!)

B's food
