Sunday, September 11, 2011

lovely dovey us


Finished work, I was supposed to go home but I was missing the boy much that I decided to went over to his place. So bought dinner for hubby and went over to his place with lots of barang lor! Stupid enough to buy shampoo and stuffs. Regret. But nevermind still went in the end. Bought 'ah lian' wanton mee for him as I was telling him about the ah lian that didn't wear bra but her wanton mee was superb. Hehe. So let hubby try try. 

Hubby say the noodles was nice and as usual decided to stay over at his house! Hehe. Cos' super long never stay over already so since the next day is second month and first month never spend together over night. But the next day need to work super ma fan lor! 

Was hungry during the night and went to prime supermart to get some food so got instant noodles and enoki to go with it. The lovely boy of mine cook for me and me like a boss in the room watching show. Hehe. I always love this silly boy cos' whenever I am at his house I don't even have to leave his house much. He will always treat me like his wife, actually is queen! Haha. I love him so much. 

Stay up and learned how to play dn as hubby created a character for me. At first wasn't really good at it but I think can try lah hor. Cos' everyone's playing and I play majority part (must emphasize cos' I hardly play games one) because of hubby. But still, I think the game quite fun but I still not used to it. Will giddy and want vomit. Sigh.

Went to bed early cos' next day got work. But hubby always accompany me though he doesn't want to sleep. Sacrificing his all time favourite game for me just because I want him to sleep beside me. We both ended up cuddling beside each other and fighting for his pillow always ( actually he will let me have it. hehe). 


Happy two months baby!!!

Something happened but still, everything is fine within a few hours. Damn shag and was super late for work. Rushing here and there for work cos' I'm helping gan ma with the clients and some cb clients so late then come. Super no sense of time management. Anyway, went back to hubby house after work and surprise him with the things I did days ago. He said something like I always like to make him angry and then surprise him with things. 

Baby uh, I didn't mean to make you angry at all lor. Always hope that I can be more clever a bit to not make you angry. Sigh but can't. Hubby's mum cooked lunch for us and it was awesome! Caught cyber bully from funshion and hubby's busy dn-ing. He went to sleep after awhile and I went to join after the show's finished. The show is like hmm, I learnt a lot recently with shows and things that happened around (not me). People are hard to trust, you won't know when will they betray you or how two faced can they be. But anyway, the person and people that will always stay beside you and trust-able are your family and your love one (my hubby of course!).

Anyway, back to topic. Went to sleep and wake up around 8ish and prepare to go home. SO reluctant to go home but I can't don't go home so I have no choice. Hubby sent me home as always and yup depart with him at my house lift. Sigh. Missing him so much.

To baby : Baby I won't change and I definitely won't change if you don't fetch me home. I find it stupid actually, be it whoever girlf changed when the boyf doesn't want to fetch the girlf home but what I say is that I'm not like them and I won't change because of this stupid thing. I find it damn redundant. I'm not that kind of person. Why would I have to be like that when I'm supposed to understand my boyf for being so sweet but of course if he's tired or lazy as time passed then so be it. Not as if I'm a handicapped or what that I need my boyf to send me home always and will change just because he don't. I don't expect you to send me home actually, in fact I hope you don't cos' I know it's very tiring for you. But anyway, I love you a lot and I'll try my best to be very very understanding. You are always the understanding one and I'm very glad to know you and have you. You are the best. I'm loving you more and more and more and more and more. I love you so much! Happy 2 months baby!