Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Lovely cold night.

Went over to B's house as usual and we slept together again as usual till late afternoon, don't ask me why either. I don't know why like recently, I can sleep with him till so long and today the weather was extremely cold. We were both snatching each other's for blanket and I kept taking his pillow. But no doubt, I'm getting used to his pillow much. Like the smell is must smell one each time I'm at his place. Did he drug the pillow just so that I got addicted to it? #justwondering. HAHA. Still, woke up feeling hungry and his sist, sist boyf and younger brother were at home too. Ordered mac and felt so bad cos' we didn't ask them when mac was delivered over to his place but only with our orders. The sist even jokingly comment that at least a mcflurry. Haha, next time I shall order 2 mcflurry for her for bu chang. Hehe.

Well, after knowing his siblings more and somemore there are more things to talk about, I'm starting to get use to it. Hope we can get closer too. I always wanted to be close to my boyfriend's sibling like can go shop together and things like that. I bet there's common things to talk definitely. Shall find one day that we all go out together again! Watched drama after dinner and B slept awhile. After that it's home sweet home time. B send me home again and I got a feeling that my mum will be going home from grandma's place so I told B not to go up with me. Guessed what? She was indeed waiting for lift just nice the lift door open. It was a close shave somehow. Talked to B on the phone while he's on his way back and helped neo to do her drawings and soon I shall head to bed after watching my drama (getting more and more interesting). Heading to B's house again tmrw. 

Wonder why I have been going over to his place? Cos' I'm starting work and I hope to spend more time with him. #justlovinghimsomuch