Friday, August 26, 2011

You are one lucky girl

Babylove, thanks for always loving me and being so good to me. I really do love you alot and I was wondering, this always comes into my mind. Do you feel love by me? What if that day you didn't choose me and her instead? But I'm really glad you choose me, cos' I'm the world luckiest girl that I've got you. To be there for me, to treat me as first priority putting everything after me, doing many things for me and putting down your pride for things that you have to do for me, doing things that you didn't do for anyone else and specially for me etc. You really made me love you a lot and wanting to spend my entire life with you. But I have to say something, I'm sorry I always have to disappoint you, making you hurt with the things I said, crying for me, always being the one who put down your pride just to give in to me. Thanks for everything, you are a big part of my life. I can't do it without you. I love you a lot baby. Sometimes, when I say mean words or doing things to hurt you. I swear I don't have the intention at all, in the entire world you are the one and only that I will least hurt you. Remember this baby, I will never leave anyone for you and never will I think you are not good enough for me, you are the best of all. Having you I'm contented enough. I love you my hubby. 

Dorothy Dorothai Neo

P.s Thanks baby for making this blog nice and sweet. Muacks.