Friday, September 30, 2011


How to sleep, many things coming thru my mind. Im really sorry for always breaking your heart, making you even more vulnerable. Im supposed to bring you out of your dark side and not head in with you and forever trap in the dark. I said to mend your heart. Yes, I'll. I definitely will. Things are starting afresh. Definitely I hope things are getting better. Everyone can misunderstood you but I can't. Cos ultimately I know you and our heart beats as one. I know how much you love me and how much we cannot live without. Remember this, if your love one can stay with you thru out no matter how many times they are angry with you this shows that they truly love you. That's me. I'm sorry for always raising my voice at you. But I was really pissed off. But since everything is start afresh then all these will stay in the past.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Lovely surprise marks a lovely day ahead.

My dear hubby of mine, surprised me!! I was ecstatic, touched, loved, sweet and many more. So this is how it goes..

Knowing that I'll end work at 730pm initially the dear boy of mine said to meet me at Chinatown so that we can like lessen traveling time and at the same time can spend more time. So I suggested ah lian wanton mee for dinner.

At first that was the initial plan but I can leave at 6pm (usual timing instead) so still having ah lian wanton mee. However the boy suggested to bring me to an Italian restaurant he used to go. He said it was cheap and nice. So we decided to head there after work.

I meet him there as he reached there first. So I waited awhile as he told me he's at the toilet and told me roughly where to meet.

He was taking quite awhile so I decided to walk around, he told me to stay at the spot though so I decided to walk back. Suddenly, there's a hand covering my eyes from behind and gave me a shock.

I turned and saw the boy with a present on his hand. I was shocked and surprised (really cos I somehow like the feeling that he cover my eyes from the back).

Was jumping around like a small girl cos I was super happy!! Went in to the restaurant and found out that it was really cheap and best thing is what you know?! GOT ESCARGOT. Best uh!! My favourite. (obviously I ordered that for myself cos Hus don't eat it. He sadboy89. Hahahaha.

I ordered my food and Hus ordered his. The drinks was free flow!!! It's like cheaper than astons but different style from astons.

Our food came and we spilt half each for each other. I was eating my chicken half way till almost done and Hus took a bite that I cut for him previously. He spit out cos he feel weird. The chicken was uncooked!! Cb limbei still eat until gan song lor. Called manager out... Thinking I will scold right? No lor!! Hus don't let me cos like he reasonable one but I not reasonable mah. Of course!! Cos I eat!! If with parents the person will regret coming out to talk to me and make sure the person don't charge my food money. Anyway, Hus food was nice!! The beef superb! Overall rate 8/10 cos cheap nice and yah except for my chicken. Worth trying!!

After that went to walk around and stuffs and sat at mac cos nth to do and wanted to take pics. Must be memorable!!

Still, thanks baby for the surprised and the treat. I am really really happy and touched and I really love you. Youre so sweet!! Didn't expect that. Really thank you hub!! Muacks. I really happy to know you and be love by you. I'm really blessed. Thanks for everything. You are the best thing that can happen on me.

The restaurant baby brought me to!!


Things inside the pressie

Escargot! (my boy don't dare to try! LOL!)

B's food


Sunday, September 18, 2011

I'm just a normal man

A man reserves his true and deepest love not for the species of woman in whose company he finds himself electrified and enkindled, but for that one in whose company he may feel tenderly drowsy.

Love is ...

Love is the greatest feeling,
Love is like a play,
Love is what I feel for you,
Each and every day,
Love is like a smile,
Love is like a song,
Love is a great emotion,
That keeps us going strong,
I love you with my heart,
My body and my soul,
I love the way I keep loving,
Like a love I can't control,
So remember when your eyes meet mine,
I love you with all my heart,
And I have poured my entire soul into you,
Right from the very start.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Tomorrow I'll be heading to camp and for this week so far I have only meet the boy for a day? Or to be exact is less than a day. But still, I miss him lot. Hoping that we both can never be parted and be with each other always. I keep having this sucky feelings that he will leave me. Sucks to be me. I know that the boy won't leave but I hope that he won't be tired of this r/s and of course me. Baby, I'll always be yours and never leave. I love you too much. 


Why do girls cry?

A girl wont cry easily,

Except in front of the person who she love the most, she becomes weak.

A girl wont cry easily, only when she love you the most, she put down her ego.

Guys, if a girl cries bcoz of you, please hold her hands firmly, she's the one who would stay with you for the rest of your life.

Guys, if a girl cries bcoz of you, please don`t give her up, maybe bcoz of your decision, you ruin her life.

When she cries rite infront of you, 
When she cries bcoz of you,
Look into her eyes,
Can u see n feel the pain n hurt she's feeling?
Which other girl have cried wif pure sincerity,
In front of you,
And bcoz of you?

She cries not because she is weak,
She cries not bcoz she wan sympathy or pity,
She cries,
Because crying silently is no longer possible,
the pain,hurt,n agony have become too big a
burden to be kept inside.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

You'll always be a part of me
I'm a part of you indefinitely
Boy, don't you know you can't escape me
Ooh darling, 'cause you'll always be my baby
And we'll linger on.

It's everlasting that you would always be mine.

I love you.

I like your smile
I like your vibe
I like your style
But that’s not why I love you

And I, I like the way
You’re such a star
But that’s not why I love you
You’re so beautiful
But that’s not why I love you

I’m not sure you know
That the reason I love you is you
Being you
Just you
Yeah the reason I love you is all that we’ve been through
And that’s why I love you

Sunday, September 11, 2011

lovely dovey us


Finished work, I was supposed to go home but I was missing the boy much that I decided to went over to his place. So bought dinner for hubby and went over to his place with lots of barang lor! Stupid enough to buy shampoo and stuffs. Regret. But nevermind still went in the end. Bought 'ah lian' wanton mee for him as I was telling him about the ah lian that didn't wear bra but her wanton mee was superb. Hehe. So let hubby try try. 

Hubby say the noodles was nice and as usual decided to stay over at his house! Hehe. Cos' super long never stay over already so since the next day is second month and first month never spend together over night. But the next day need to work super ma fan lor! 

Was hungry during the night and went to prime supermart to get some food so got instant noodles and enoki to go with it. The lovely boy of mine cook for me and me like a boss in the room watching show. Hehe. I always love this silly boy cos' whenever I am at his house I don't even have to leave his house much. He will always treat me like his wife, actually is queen! Haha. I love him so much. 

Stay up and learned how to play dn as hubby created a character for me. At first wasn't really good at it but I think can try lah hor. Cos' everyone's playing and I play majority part (must emphasize cos' I hardly play games one) because of hubby. But still, I think the game quite fun but I still not used to it. Will giddy and want vomit. Sigh.

Went to bed early cos' next day got work. But hubby always accompany me though he doesn't want to sleep. Sacrificing his all time favourite game for me just because I want him to sleep beside me. We both ended up cuddling beside each other and fighting for his pillow always ( actually he will let me have it. hehe). 


Happy two months baby!!!

Something happened but still, everything is fine within a few hours. Damn shag and was super late for work. Rushing here and there for work cos' I'm helping gan ma with the clients and some cb clients so late then come. Super no sense of time management. Anyway, went back to hubby house after work and surprise him with the things I did days ago. He said something like I always like to make him angry and then surprise him with things. 

Baby uh, I didn't mean to make you angry at all lor. Always hope that I can be more clever a bit to not make you angry. Sigh but can't. Hubby's mum cooked lunch for us and it was awesome! Caught cyber bully from funshion and hubby's busy dn-ing. He went to sleep after awhile and I went to join after the show's finished. The show is like hmm, I learnt a lot recently with shows and things that happened around (not me). People are hard to trust, you won't know when will they betray you or how two faced can they be. But anyway, the person and people that will always stay beside you and trust-able are your family and your love one (my hubby of course!).

Anyway, back to topic. Went to sleep and wake up around 8ish and prepare to go home. SO reluctant to go home but I can't don't go home so I have no choice. Hubby sent me home as always and yup depart with him at my house lift. Sigh. Missing him so much.

To baby : Baby I won't change and I definitely won't change if you don't fetch me home. I find it stupid actually, be it whoever girlf changed when the boyf doesn't want to fetch the girlf home but what I say is that I'm not like them and I won't change because of this stupid thing. I find it damn redundant. I'm not that kind of person. Why would I have to be like that when I'm supposed to understand my boyf for being so sweet but of course if he's tired or lazy as time passed then so be it. Not as if I'm a handicapped or what that I need my boyf to send me home always and will change just because he don't. I don't expect you to send me home actually, in fact I hope you don't cos' I know it's very tiring for you. But anyway, I love you a lot and I'll try my best to be very very understanding. You are always the understanding one and I'm very glad to know you and have you. You are the best. I'm loving you more and more and more and more and more. I love you so much! Happy 2 months baby! 

Thursday, September 08, 2011


Have you ever have wonder, who are the one that you want to be forever not as a boyfriend but as a husband. Do you have those kind of feelings towards your boyfriend, girlfriend that you will want them to be your future husband or wife? 

Well, I do and not only I do but have that strong feelings towards it. I do not have any of these feelings towards my ex-boyfs. Like wanting to be with him forever not only just a girlfriend status but also a wife status, I have. I feel that being his wife I will be the most fortunate girl. He gave me those feelings that I will want to be with him forever, wanting to help him bear kids and have a happy family with him. 

I do not know about you guys but this is how I feel, some may think that I am crazy but I really do love him a lot and want to be with him forever and our bgr (boygirlrelationship) will end but not end in a drastic way but is towards a new life which is husband and wife. 

He's the husband that I want, the husband that I am very sure that family come first, the husband that I feel that he's the one I can trust my life with no matter what happen, the husband that will try to give the family the best and many many more. 

He gave me that kind of feeling that my love life has ended well if I am with him, I can be proud to tell everyone that I did not be with the wrong guy, I can tell my kids how wonderful daddy is. 

Baby, I'm looking forward to 3 years, 5 years, 10 years, many many years later. I love you. 

By the way, we have chosen our babies name already. Hehe. 

First son : Timeus Teo Xin Long
Second son : Timone Teo Xin Hao

First daughter : Daralis Teo Xin Yue
Second daughter : Daralyn Teo Xin Ling

Sunday, September 04, 2011

You + me = our lovely home.

It's weekend again! TGIF. Back to my second home which is B's house. Hehe, I always love staying over at B's house cos' he always treat me the best. Like rub my stomach when my stomach is feeling unwell, pour water for me etc. Being his girl was always the most fortunate thing that can ever happen in my entire life. *so sure I'll be his wife in future! hehehe* 

Woke up quite late today and didn't head to work cos' I was really tired. B slept with me thru out. Having him to sleep beside me is the best thing cos when I open my eyes the first thing I saw is him, so fortunate. Though at time we always snatch the blanket and stuffs but with him beside me, it's enough. Woke up around evening and his bro bought us corn soup from mos burger! How awesome is that! So nice of him. Drank mine and baby said that his was hot cos' he put two packet of pepper thinking that it wont be hot. Silly boy of mine. Therefore I gave him my soup mixing with his so that it wont be that hot but still, it's still hot. My poor boy must be feeling extremely spicy. Heartache heartache. After drinking we went to eat his mum home cooked food. Had curry and rice and some other dishes. It was motherly nice? Like those home feeling. Sucks that my mum dont know how to cook. After eating I watch a little of drama and baby resting and before leavibg home he had diarrhea. My poor boy must be suffering. He has been having diarrhea recently. Dont know what has gone wrong in his tummy ): After resting and catching up from my drama we head off as I have to go home. Really hate the feeling that I and the boy have to be seperated as I cant stay at his house very often. How I wish its everyday. ): Anyway, back to topic hus and I (decided to use hus! Nicer right!) went out but this time round hus didnt send me home cos' its late and we were afraid that he will not be able to catch the last train back. But before heading home, i have cravings for bbt but its closed alrd. Still never give up ite got starbucks instead. Happy me still! Hus and I both got our very first starbucks together. Hubby, we will have many first time okay? I love you so much. I wont be posting pics cos im blogging from my phone. Next post I will so stay tune! 

Saturday, September 03, 2011

2 September 2011

Met baby today at Compass Point after she finished her work. We went and look around trying to see what to have for our dinner. And guess what? After 15minutes of rounding, we finally decided, to go to Pizza Hut! Both of us had our own pleasant dinner, Crispy Chicken Chop for my baby and Fish & Chips for me! And I told baby that I would bring her to MULLIGAN's for their Fish & Chips next time. It's AWESOME, because I tried it before. Their fries are handmade and the size of the fish fillet is large!

After dinner, headed over to my place. Baby and I watched some movies on Funshion, and then she teach me some basic economics stuff as I have considered joining Kaplan to obtain my Diploma for Marketing Management, but! before that, I need to go through this bridging test as you can see, I used to be a BTC aka "BO TAK CHEK" guy. So it's quite a rare opportunity that I've come to sense and know what's important for me in my future. After studying, my brother and I suddenly craving for Mcdonalds! Therefore I asked baby if she wants to eat anything as I'm gonna order a Family Dinner Box A (3-4 pax). While waiting for McDelivery to reach, we watched movies, lie on my comfy bed and smell my pillow and rest awhile.

Finally, McDelivery man came with our 2 BIG BAGS of SUPPER! (YUMMY). 
This is what we had!
Consisting of 1 Teppanyaki Chicken McGrill, 1x McSpicy, 1x Big Mac, 3 French fries (S), 3 Coca-Cola (S), Chicken McNuggets (9 pcs), 1x Cinnamon Melts and 2x Apple Pie.

Baby had McGrill, my brother had McSpicy, I had Big Mac, 3 of us shared the nuggets and fries. I asked baby if she wants the cinnamon melts, she replied, "No". Then after I finished, she ask me, "baby, you finish the cinnamon melts already?" I replied, "ya, why?" She was like stunned and thinking why wouldn't I save the last bite for her. HAHAHA! I'm so sorry baby. I didn't know! While we are eating, we watched tv and talk. After finished our supper, baby decided to go to bed but I wanted to play Dragon Nest with my brother and then I switched my laptop ON. Awhile later, baby wants me to accompany her to sleep, as usual I love her so much. Therefore surprisingly I would off my laptop, get rid of the thoughts of gaming as I love her and wanted to spent more quality time with her, I off my lappy and sleep beside her. 

Good nights, I love you my baby D.

Thursday, September 01, 2011

A thousand words of I love you.

Have you ever wonder how we first met, how I first know you, what's my impression of you, how we got on to the next stage after being friends, the things we gone through, the heartbreaks we had, the laughter we had, the sadness we came through, the stay over at your house, the memories we build, the awesome things we did, etc. 

The love we have, will only be growing and not dying or fading. Remember me telling you about apple trees? That both of us have to give in equal amount of love?  I guessed this time round I will be the one that will hope that I could give more love just so that I can keep it growing and fast. I hope time pass faster just so that we have our own family, our own home. I can't find a reason not to love you cos' loving you is the most fortunate thing and I can't help it but to love you more each day. I've found the one I prayed for, yearned for, afraid that one day you will leave me here alone. 

Baby, I really do love you and treasure you a lot, I doubt I can give you much assurance on how much I love you and how much no one can compare to you. But I will do my best cos' I really love you a lot. You did many first time with me and I can feel that you really love me a lot and dote me a lot. I'm really glad that I found you and fate bring us together.