Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Lovely cold night.

Went over to B's house as usual and we slept together again as usual till late afternoon, don't ask me why either. I don't know why like recently, I can sleep with him till so long and today the weather was extremely cold. We were both snatching each other's for blanket and I kept taking his pillow. But no doubt, I'm getting used to his pillow much. Like the smell is must smell one each time I'm at his place. Did he drug the pillow just so that I got addicted to it? #justwondering. HAHA. Still, woke up feeling hungry and his sist, sist boyf and younger brother were at home too. Ordered mac and felt so bad cos' we didn't ask them when mac was delivered over to his place but only with our orders. The sist even jokingly comment that at least a mcflurry. Haha, next time I shall order 2 mcflurry for her for bu chang. Hehe.

Well, after knowing his siblings more and somemore there are more things to talk about, I'm starting to get use to it. Hope we can get closer too. I always wanted to be close to my boyfriend's sibling like can go shop together and things like that. I bet there's common things to talk definitely. Shall find one day that we all go out together again! Watched drama after dinner and B slept awhile. After that it's home sweet home time. B send me home again and I got a feeling that my mum will be going home from grandma's place so I told B not to go up with me. Guessed what? She was indeed waiting for lift just nice the lift door open. It was a close shave somehow. Talked to B on the phone while he's on his way back and helped neo to do her drawings and soon I shall head to bed after watching my drama (getting more and more interesting). Heading to B's house again tmrw. 

Wonder why I have been going over to his place? Cos' I'm starting work and I hope to spend more time with him. #justlovinghimsomuch

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A day filled with surprised.

A day feel with surprises is awesome, what I can say is that don't see baby no up. Surprises also not bad. Haha, so let me start everything from the scratch. Woke up at 8am by B's call and apparently it failed on me badly cos' I only managed to wake up at 810? Hehe, bathed and prepared and left house at 840am. Was thinking what the surprises is about and kept telling Jenies what B said about it being multi purpose, bigger than a wallet, slightly smaller than a bag (as compared to my longchamp), being more than a dollar and definitely cheaper than a chanel. Nice clues or hint given BUT still not given a proper guess. He say I can't never get it right. Apparently, I gave up and was hoping for a gucci bag or rather hermes birkin *hint hint*. Went up to his place with him having the blur face to open the door for me. He went back to bed after opening the door for me, of course I went to sleep beside him too. After awhile, he told me that he's cold cos' it was raining and quite cold too. So without any suspicious I went to take for him thinking that when did he even need a jacket when he's cold. So I open the cupboard and I saw the surprise there. It was a soft toy dog and a handmade card. Was really surprised and this little baby of mine, should be he's good at surprising? But I didn't expect it though. Hehe. Thanks baby. Went back to sleep beside him and I think we both really pig that we woke up at 4ish? Prepared ourselves and we headed off to dhoby ghaut at around 5ish. Oh yah, forgot to mention we both totally skipped breakfast and lunch, was really hungry (for me, not him). Went to couples lab straight away and get our mindset on a design. Got the ring and told the person that we will be back after our movie. The design I choose is a simple and exquisite one where we have a small diamond in the middle. I was telling B that I want a diamond ring for engagement at least 2 carat. He was jokingly saying, yah okay I buy from supermarket. He uh, always disturbing. (still loving him much though). Went to buy some snacks and introduce B to chippy's cos' he never tried that before. Went up to the cinema and got drinks and we were just nice for the show, Horrible bosses. It was our first time watching movie together and it is a nice experience having to hug B while watching and on and off him turning to my ear to tell me he love me, so sweet of him. Overall, the show rating is 3.5/5. It is a funny show and quite dumb cos' one of the main actor was acting stupid, really kind of retarded. After watching the show, we went back to get the ring. Super excited for the rings. Wore it and went back to prize stage (before hand we were seeing toys there and I wanted to get the toys there, wanting B to catch for me) so saw a big rilakkuma and it was super huge (for me lah) but that toy must play the jackpot one. But I really want that. So cute ): Ite, caught my eye on a few carebear and B caught it for me despite spending quite a sum and we got 4 mini carebears. Was quite elated with it cos' my day ended up with surprises and B's TLC. Hehe. I feel so loved by him. After that, we went to get some takoballs and headed home. B must have spent a lot today. Feel kinda bad cos' most of the things is he pay one. ): But overall, I am really happy and partly because of the surprises, getting of the rings, movies, the soft toys and definitely my dear boy being to head town with me more often than before. I'm really glad I found him. 

Enjoy the picts. 

My lovable boy

Our ring box

B's hand (with ring)

Gifts from B

B's handmade card.

Carebears!! (can put finger one like finger puppet)

First time movies, love!!

Our rings

Babylove, we will have a long way. Thanks for tolerating my nonsense and spending so much on me and not yourself when you have no money. I feel so bad but still, I love you a lot and thanks for the surprises you gave to me, I know I'm the first that you do so much for me and I'm really touched. Thanks for everything my love. 

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Yes, I do.

Baby and I getting rings tomorrow! Excited much! Stay tune readers. We will be spending our second date at town! Shall take more picts tmrw! I love baby so much. 

I, (Teo Tiong How), take you, (Dorothy Neo Ling Yue), to be my [opt: lawfully wedded] (Wife), my constant friend, my faithful partner and my love from this day forward. In the presence of God, our family and friends, I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live.

I (
Dorothy Neo Ling Yue), take you (Teo Tiong How) to be my (Husband), my partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our union and love you more each day than I did the day before. I will trust you and respect you, laugh with you and cry with you, loving you faithfully through good times and bad, regardless of the obstacles we may face together. I give you my hand, my heart, and my love, from this day forward for as long as we both shall live.

A lovely trip down the town.

Spend the weekends over at B's house is always so blessed. Having to see him first thing I open my eyes is the most fortunate thing. But, I think both of us are still having damn loads of lack of sleep. I think soon, his body clock will be as the same as mine too! Then we can study together already or rather his study for the time being. Anyway, back to topic woke up around 1ish by B's sister to ask him if he wants to head over to the neighbourhood school with his parents and his sister's boyf to vote together a not. But this lazy pig of mine, went back to sleep. Showered at 2plus coming to 3 and in the end we both do our own things which is he playing his dragon nest and me watching my dramas till 1620 and leave the house. 

Leave house and accompany baby to vote at Compassvale Secondary School, waited for him outside though.  After voting, head to compass to have our brunch. And we decided to dine at Ajisen. So these are our food, didn't take individual's picture cos hmm yea some things happened, shan't elaborate. But still, it's our first time eating at so called "restaurant", cos normally it's either baby cook for me (he's the first boyf that cook for me *touchedddddd*) dabao back to his house, or order mac and nothing much.

Baby's food

After Ajisen, headed down to town to meet coussie and yumin! Double date! Hehe. It was the first time, coussie and me going on a double date. Hopefully, baby can see all my family members soon. Anyway, went to eat first at Ramenplay and the couple ordered a fried rice only! Baby order oreo milkshake and I order ice green tea only cos' we were still bloated from Ajisen's food. Hehe. Headed to Cine cos' my taylele was there! Woohoooooo like a super long never see her already. She was doing her movie marathon with K and catch up abit. From cine-left foot-a shop where we both got the same necklace. Want the Dr martens shoe I tried earlier on so badly ): It's fucking nice I swear. 

Anyway, some things happened when we were at left foot shan't say much too hmm. But my beloved boy wasn't happy for awhile. I'm sorry baby. I think I made coussie unhappy too cos' I think he doesn't wanna go to Cine. But I was really glad I saw Insane. Cos' it have been awhile since I last saw her. Anyway parted off and headed to bugis for Koi. I always have so much fun with the boy and he never once not left a bright smile on my face *smiling widely now* On the way to Koi we saw couples lab and looking at the design, B went to ask if we can get it straight plus engraving but the sales person say we can only get it at PS and we can go down awhile later to get and they will do ours first but I guessed it was kinda rushing and bad to ask coussie to travel here and there with us so drop the idea and we'll get it on monday instead. We can spend more time on monday! Hehe, but it's town again. Poor boy hate going to town but have to cos' of me.

Coussie treated us Koi cos' B treated the meal at Ramenplay earlier on. After getting Koi, B got his lime green tea which is sour max cos no sugar (healthy boy -.-) and mine was green tea machiato! Awesome max of course. Finally got my craving of it done. Walked around at bugis junction as I think coussie and B also won't want walk at bugis street. Parted ways at 9pm and B and I continue to walk around and left at 930 as he needs to head down to arena. B send me home and he left. Can't sleep with him for tonight and it seems so weird to be not beside him ): How I wish we can 24/7 but always meet like will sian eh. LOL. Though I will miss him a lot and I know he do too. 

But still, today plan like a fail. Nevermind, next time round movie okay! Plan nice nice then go, hope we have a proper outing next time round with coussie and Yumin. 

Pics for our first date to town. Loves. (disturbing boy always make funny faces tsk) 

Silly boy trying to wear my ring but can only wear at his last finger 
           Baby, I will hold your hand and go through every single moment in your life in the upcoming future                                   

My precious boy

Dear baby, I really love you a lot. Thanks for always compromising me and I know how you hate coming to town somehow and today's really packed somehow and me making you unhappy and things like that. I'm sorry but I really enjoy today's date and you having to bring me to eat at Ajisen things like that. I may not be a wonderful girlfriend but I'm sure I will make you feel that having me is the best thing on earth. HEHEHE. I won't wanna lose you and I will hold tight to your hand not letting you slip away at any moment. I am really glad god gave you to me. You are everything to me. See you on monday alright. Miss you. And I know, a lot of money spend for just these 2 months, we save up okay don't spend so much le. Still want go overseas and all need spend a lot. We will save okay. Please study hard and don't let your dad down. No matter what, no motivation come find me, I'm your motivator, your pushing force to go on. We will work hard for the future okay? Love you baby. Really a lot. 

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Prawning @ Bishan (Hai Bin)

AWESOME day with my baby, sister, brother, shi yang & jin ting @ Bishan (Hai Bin).
6 of us caught above 20+ prawns, varies size of small to extra huge! HAHAHA!

Baby & Me!
My sister & Shi yang
My brother & Jin Ting

After our prawning session, we bbq our prawn, ate and then off to my dad's pub at Kitchener Road.
Met some of my dad's close friends, have fun there chilling and watching people play pool!
And back to home! 

Ready to study a little about my econs, waiting my busy blog stalker D to teach me economics later!

Friday, August 26, 2011

You are one lucky girl

Babylove, thanks for always loving me and being so good to me. I really do love you alot and I was wondering, this always comes into my mind. Do you feel love by me? What if that day you didn't choose me and her instead? But I'm really glad you choose me, cos' I'm the world luckiest girl that I've got you. To be there for me, to treat me as first priority putting everything after me, doing many things for me and putting down your pride for things that you have to do for me, doing things that you didn't do for anyone else and specially for me etc. You really made me love you a lot and wanting to spend my entire life with you. But I have to say something, I'm sorry I always have to disappoint you, making you hurt with the things I said, crying for me, always being the one who put down your pride just to give in to me. Thanks for everything, you are a big part of my life. I can't do it without you. I love you a lot baby. Sometimes, when I say mean words or doing things to hurt you. I swear I don't have the intention at all, in the entire world you are the one and only that I will least hurt you. Remember this baby, I will never leave anyone for you and never will I think you are not good enough for me, you are the best of all. Having you I'm contented enough. I love you my hubby. 

Dorothy Dorothai Neo

P.s Thanks baby for making this blog nice and sweet. Muacks.


Finally I just completed fixing up our blog!