Sunday, January 08, 2012

Long lost post.

Been so long since I blogged and the boy has been bugging me since 1234567890 years. Hais this boy, everyday at my ear niam niam niam. In the end leh? I update here myself and he at there play his own phone. Hais. So where do I start with? Let me start with underwaterworld date with the boy the day before his birthday bah follow by his birthday celebration.

.11 December 2011 .Underwaterworld with the boy.

We wanted to wake up early to head down to underwaterworld however I overslept and then by the time we work up B's dad brought his worker over for full house painting and change his bedroom bed. Cos' having the double deck bed is too small for the both of us and the boy suggested way before hand that the bed is too small. Out of surprise, B's dad suggested to change and paint his wall before his birthday. Therefore, we help out to clear his room before we head down to sentosa. After clearing and showering we took mrt down to harbourfront station to take the monorail to sentosa! We were so excited for it as it's both our first time going to underwaterworld with boyf/girlf. But for B. it's his first time heading down to there. We went in like small kindergarden kids having their excursion to the UWW. Excited like hell. Die die must explore all the fishes. We went to touch the fishes at the start of the UWW and B and I touched stingray, starfish and some other fishes. There were so many types of fish! There were shark feeding too however we missed it. Then we went to see the enormous stingray where they allow tourist to feed the stingray too however we give it a missed as we do not want to waste money on it. But we still managed to feed the fish where we spend $2 for 2 tiny weeny bit of fish food. We went to 2 small glass panel where there are a small box for us to put our hand in and feed them however the first one we went to the fishes are not interested in it. Therefore, we head on to the second one. B went to feed the fish first and the fish suddenly came to the box and take the food way before B wanted to put his hand in. He got a shock. It was so funny and cute at the same time. I didn't dare to feed after that so I just throw it in. Haha. We proceed on to see other fishes that are down the road. There were many many other fishes, they all look the same to me since I last visited however I really do love underwateroworld. Hehe. We went on to see eels, crab, seahorses, jelly fishes, arowana (Idk how to spell it). The place is so so pack and seriously, many malaysian! Don't like don't like. After seeing those fishes, we headed on to the escalator thingy that led us going round and round. Kinda giddy but still, it is so funny when B started to make funny movements when we headed off to second round of going round and round. The underwaterworld seems kinda small and nothing as compared to other UWW in other countries. I also want to visit maldives! Hehehe. The place I bet have the nicest sea of all oceans in the world. After touring around UWW, we managed to see a diver in the tank cleaning and he waved at us. There is a program by the UWW whereby we pay a certain amount and we can get to dive with the fishes! I want to try that I swear. Since B also know how to dive. Hehe. After walking we headed to the souvenir shop and walk around. Nothing caught my eye though and the things ain't cheap and worth. Walk over to dolphin lagoon but there's nothing as the next show is at least half and hour later. So we went to buy food and go chop place! Hehe like some typical Singaporean hor. But still people also want snatch seats with us leh! But in the end, we managed to get good spots too. Waited for the show to start and eat while waiting. Weather is not being a bitch. Not very hot and not very rainy. Still, we failed to visit the butterfly park due to time constraint. Finally, after a long wait the show have started! They added new animals to the show which is the seal lion! So cute!! I also want a pet like that. But Singapore can't, too bad then! The show is quite interesting and entertaining overall it's all worth. Not like what I used to see in the past and definitely the seats and environment is much better than in the past. Overall, I hope B like his present and his first time seeing dolphins. Though it's just fake fake that the only present that is UWW tickets. Hehe actually the real surprise is at home. Can see B's really happy with going UWW with me. Love him so much. We saw many fishes together, see dolphin together, visit sentosa together.   The first time having such experience with the lover boy.

.Few hours before the boy's big day.

Went to eat dinner with B's family after UWW at buangkok zi char to celebrate his birthday. Nice food and nice time spent with them. A heartwarming family and celebration. After eating, the boy still don't know about his surprise as we keep mum from him. When he reached home, he thought why is there so many present at home and I told him, it's all yours. He was shocked, then B's sister bluff him that she's changing her clothes but actually she's preparing the cake. And tada, happy birthday song was sang and B was really touched. Ate the cake and took pics and yup. Short and wonderful celebration. Of course, that's not all. There's still unwrapping of presents to be done. We both went into the room to see him unwrap his presents. Slowly one by one he unwrapped, feeling so touched and he teared. I know he's touched and really surprised. 10 present represents shi quan shi mei. Baby, I know you will be reading this. Not only when your birthday I will treat you good. I will treat you good everyday just like it is your lucky day. I love you a lot and I make sure that at the end of the day you will smile even in your sleep. We have a long way to go and of course, we will hold our hands together tightly and walk together happily. What's past is past, unhappy moments over le what awaits us is more happy moments. God gave me this chance for you to come into my life. So please continue staying. Leave the most memorable footprints with me till I die alright? I love you.

.Actual day of birthday celebration.

Woke up in the noon when the sun is shining brightly at our backside already. Head over to the polyclinic to consult the doctor. Not because I'm sick but cos' I skipped school for the boy! Hehe what's more important than him. After polyclinic we had over to MBS as B's brother girlf's mum booked a room there so we went over for a swim! So excited as it is my first time there. There's so many first time with B and more to come right B? Hehe. Went over to MBS and chit chatted awhile till it's night time and we headed off to swim! It's so so cold especially on top of the building! The swimming pool is so nice and awesome! Gosh, I'm missing it already. Had a fun time with everyone and of course B. Oh yah, while we were at the shops at MBS I saw a leopard JC bag and I wanted it so badly!! It's so nice! But however, after swimming and showering we headed down again to have a look and for dinner the bag was the last piece and nah decided not to get it. Headed over to MS with B to have dinner. Had a romantic walk with B too! Hehe love walking with him. Went over to Just Acia to eat and we are the last two customer there. Lucky that it seems like we booked the whole restaurant or unlucky that we have to chop chop eat it fast. Hmm. After eating finish we headed back to MBS to meet the rest. We went back home not long when we reached MBS. A tiring day though. MC for 2 days! So I can accompany B at home too! Hehe. Baby I hope you have a wonderful birthday okay? First birthday with me and of course many more to come! Love you so much.