Thursday, December 01, 2011

How we start our love.

Today is the start of a new month which is december and it also marks the end of 2011 real soon. So let me just blog about how the boy and I got together. Surprisingly our love starts with a social network called facebook.

So one very fine day, for your info no one have "poke" me in fb before and the boy just have to come "poking" me in fb and he's the first that come to "poke" me ever since I sign up for fb or used fb. So of course, out of no where the boy come and "poke" me and I realized that after awhile so I went to "poke" back. This thing of "poking" here and there did not stop okay. The boy just have to keep replying my "poke".

So "poke" here "poke" there for awhile and I feel kind of irritated already so I pm him and ask is it very fun to poke? HAHAHA he didn't reply AND CONTINUE TO "POKE". Someone kill me, he's the first to keep "poke" me lor! Damn bth can. Looool (thinking back, if he didn't at that time we couldn't have met).

So clever me, decided to pm him again and he replied. I asked the same question again okay! Haha. He say it was to catch my attention. Well he REALLY did caught my attention fgs. Cos' I was freaking irritated by "poking" me. Haha. So there are some on going message we talk in fb and yup gave the boy my number and he texted me. Oh well, at that point of time I was glad haha was kind of anticipating his replies at fb lor! But this stupid boy was playing game and took quite awhile to reply me!

Baby, I was so glad that you "poke" me and we talked and finally we are together for almost five months. Baby I really love you a lot and you are my everything. Nothing can replace you in my heart, you stand a very important role in my heart.