Thursday, December 01, 2011

Angry bird on the go.

Temper is something that everyone dislike to have, and of course who will want to be with someone who often flares up for nothing and treat is as everyone is owing you. So these are some ways you can, I can, everyone can to control temper. Please treasure what you have when you have and not regret in things you did that caused you to lose things dear to you. 

Realize that things can be handled well at all times; it's just a matter of what kind of attitude you put into it

Take deep breaths.

     Realize that no one likes to be around people who get angry easily, and act abusive

                       The only way you can change the situation is by starting with yourself.

         Be considerate of others, and ultimately, yourself
          The way you react will ultimately affect your surroundings. If you have to rebuke someone for doing something wrong, you can always do it calmly, in a private place. This method is always better for  everyone in the long run.

Remember, 5 seconds stand between you and logic, count to 5, and remember that logic always beats anger.

Think about the good things that person has done for you
What bad have you done to them? Chances are, you've done at least something to them to make them resentful towards you. Make sure you have a clear conscience-then speak.

Saying hurtful things could be very risky and dangerous and it can hurt someone's heart so please stay calm when you feel hyper.

Count from 1 to 10 in ascending order and then descending order, you will feel a bit calmer.

Temper can ruin anybody's life.
 When your eyes are opened it might be too late, so try to control your anger and follow the above steps. It will definitely get you away from tension.

So when someone is dear to you remember these things and you will not take anyone for granted, including myself. I should not take anyone for granted.