Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Emotional goes viral.

Here I am typing in the middle of the night while the boy is sleeping soundly. Life haven't been wonderful for me I guessed. Luck went all the way down the drain. I can't explain the sucky feeling I'm having the entire week. I hate my life for that really. Having that fear in me and yup, the burden I have put in the boy's mind. How lousy and useless I have felt through out this entire week. I don't wish to let the boy worry and have additional burden added to his stress. I should be lessening his burden instead of adding (this is what I should do as a girlfriend but I failed). Though he have been acting strong to tell me things will be fine, comforting me, solving all the problems for me, making me feel better though he's sick. I'm grateful that I have him and I found him, really. I can't thank god enough for giving such a person to me into my life. No doubt, we had many difficulties in the past but we managed to pull it through.

I had a fun time today, with the girls (the usual girls that god placed them to be there forever). Not only the time spend with the girls but also the time when I'm at home with the boy watching his childhood videos. How adorable and how brave he is as a kid, really I swear he's the bravest kid that does not scared of anything. It really makes my heart melt and started to think if Timeus and Timeleon will be like him or not. He's such a cutie pie too I realized (not only when he's with me HAHA)

I really want to get a short get away with the boy soon but money is the issue to me, us. I'm a failure that the reason why the boy is working so hard is because of me. I spent way too much of his money already. I'm very guilty of that, way too guilty. Sigh, how I wished I have save money more more money before so that I won't have to worry. Now, I got to worry for Uni expenses too. Sigh.

P.s Sorry about my rantings.
P.s/P.s I can't stop thinking about the boy young look. Wayyyyyyyyyyyyy to cute!