Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Have never ever been so in love with anyone but you, Dorothy Neo Ling Yip.

When you love someone, it's something. When someone loves you, it's another thing. When you love the person who loves you back, it's everything

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Today is our fourth month, time flies isn't it. Soon it will be half a year. Today B is having his TP. *prays hard* Hope that he passed!!

Baby, thanks for always tolerating me and understanding me. Though we quarrel and hurt each other at the very end we still love each other and don't want to let go. I really love you a lot. Thanks for coming into my life and not going out. Hope we can still do this when we are 90 years old! You are dead teo tiong how you are stuck with me forever! hehehe <3

See you later!!

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Missing you.

Haven't been seeing the boy for 2 days. And I miss him quite much already. Can't wait to see him though. Teehee. Well baby, this is for you back.

I love you for big and small reasons and of course all of them are wonderful. I love you for all your special qualities that make you one of a kind, the only one for me in the world. I love you for the things you do, that bring such special meaning to my life. I love you for the silent times, when your eyes and arms tell me all I want to know. I love you so much. Without you, I won't know how much I can actually love someone and the person will be you.

A love poem for you, my baby Dorothy Neo

I couldn't have lived till now
If it wasn't for you
I would have been so lost
Not knowing what to do
You put me together
Only now can I see
You make me what I am
You complete me
We're two different halves
Put together, we're one whole
Every beat of my heart is yours
Everyday I pray for your soul
It's just your smile I need to see
When there's no other remedy
You put me together
You complete me
I'm too scared to let you go
I never want to lose you
If you weren't here with me
I'd never know what to do
All I feel now are joys
All my sorrows are history
What else can I say now?
It's because you complete me.