Monday, October 31, 2011

My fatty ass

Even if you are as fat as him I still love you as much. The amount of fats sums up the amount of love I have for you. Hehe! So you cannot slim down ah!! Love you my babyboy. I'm sorry about yesterday okay. 

Friday, October 28, 2011

I pray to our heavenly Father

Pray ... Pray ... Pray ...

God, please make my lovely baby recovers and feels better. I am willing to exchange position with her. Thank you my heavenly father. I hope you listened to my prayer. Amen.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


*Super overdue post*


Hubby went for his second interview and it was great. But the rain spoiled our mood somehow cos' the both of us was late for our meetups and worry that we don't have much time to spent together. Initially, we kinda forgo DTF(ding tai fung) cos' I think it is quite ex and since we are early so we can go and look together but the rain just have to spoiled the plan. So back to DTF cos' I wanted to eat it so so badly. So I went to queue first cos' I reach. As usual DTF is packed with people during dinner time. But lucky us got seats within 20mins. Ordered xlb of course and recommend a few dish to hub cos' he didn't eat there before. Yes baby don't eat at restaurant much cos' he's like can eat anywhere. But for me, he don't mind (saying that he doesn't have much money left but still wanna spend on me)

Though I was really like really happy to eat DTF but I don't want him to spend money on me anymore. The guiltiness in me is piling up like nobody's business. So after DTF we went window shopping, apparently my boyf don't do much on shopping but staying at home guy. So for me again, he did. I bet his leg is suan dao. LOL. But anyway, I was really happy that he always sacrifice his time for me and the things he don't usually do, just for me he did it.

We chanced upon GV initially and wanted to catch movie however the timing do not meet our timing. If we watch it means that the boy have to cab home already ): Which is we do not wish it to happen. Cos' it will be a total waste of money! Hais, so forgo the chance of watching movie. We went to walk around after that. Saw a couple quarrelled in public and I asked B "what if we quarrel like that ah?" He reply "I won't quarrel with you in public I will go home and quarrel. Want say go home say" Lol max.

In the end, we went to watch real steel with B and the show was THUMBS UP TTM!! Feel like watching it over again. Cos' it's way to awesome-ness. Reason why we watch is because the show was 0950pm and obviously B can't go home after show right as there won't be last train so I rang up dad to ask if he can stay over. And, HE CAN! HEHEHE. Happy max!! So before watch we have a little time to walk around so we walk around and we are caught up with prize stage once again. I swear the toys are cute but I swear I'm not gonna spend money on it again! Apparently most of my soft toys money are contributed from my hubby. Haha. We saw the elmo in hello kitty suit that I was aiming for a long time and B decided to catch that for me (before that he already change hao money le lor don't know want catch what for me). After catching and wasting money for a long time. We also managed to not only catch the toy I wanted (plus a hello kitty plushie and exchange a rilakuma for kezann and a hello kitty keychain) we also wasted 10mins of our show (yes we missed the front part of real steel). But overall I love the toys that we got that day. No I love everything that the boy got for me!

The show was awesome and after that we cabbed back to my granny house first as I need to get B's solution. Sat awhile in grams and thinking if he should sleep there instead. But still, I wanna cuddle the boy while sleeping so brought him home. He had a bad time sleeping over at my place and I feel so bad. Cos' he didn't get much sleep the whole night while I was too tired and slept. His eyes was sensitive to the dust (i think my house too dusty) and he was too hot (there were no clothes for him to change and he was wearing jeans to sleep). Overall it's a bad night for him. So guilty.


Departed from my house supposingly B wanted to fetch me to school as he need a transfer at woodland interchange back to SK. However, I was searching high and low for my $50 cos' I thought I lost it but I remember clearly I placed it into my bag! And some stuffs happened and we spilt ways at my house carpark and walk off on our own.

Things weren't going fine and I skipped school. <missing parts, shan't elaborate cos' it's already over> Went back to SK with B and yup wanted to get MC but polyclinic was packed with people. The amount of people was horrendous. So we decided to go for breakfast first and come back after that. Went to eat ban mian as usual and then went back to poly's but still, many people. Gave up and went back home to sleep cos' I was still tired due to lack of sleep.

Polyclinic MC fail max cos' I woke up at 4pm!! Wts man. Was quite pissed off with myself cos' nothing goes right. But still, the lovely boy went to check private clinic around his area and which are the cheapest one. In the end, we cab down to the clinic at anchorvale and consult the doctor. The doctor was annoying cos' he was rushing as his clinic was supposed to close soon but the patient before me was like the entire indian family was consulting. Wtf. And he was so rough in placing the thermometer in my ear and pressing my stomach. So pissed off with him. Went home to change aftermath and headed down to town for my waxing with the girls (nearly couldn't do waxing again cos' I was late. I was practically rushing up and down for it). After waxing was Astons with the girls at the cathay and it is forever packed with long queues and having us to wait like 123456789 years.

After din, went back to B's place and slept over! :D


Think practically we did nothing much as I woke up late and what we did was to watch funshion and special or rather the wonderful things about this day is the boy cooked again! Which is instant noodles. Haha also counted as cook right!! So sweetness max, I happy (#likeaqueen) sitting in the room and waiting for him to cook. LOL! Helped out with B's sist in her econs and yup slept around 5ish. Excited about B's family day tmrw cos' it's the first time we go out with his family.


Woke up at 1ish and prepare myself so that when B's parents come home they won't be waiting for me to shower and it's better to prepare early isn't it? So yea, woke up and shower and wait. B's parents come home and took awhile to prepare before heading out cos' there's only 2 toilet. So, we waited for everyone to be done. Decide where to go and headed out with 2 cars (cos' 8 people hahaha). Decided to go to parkway and have dimsum (in a hawker) So apparently, I went there before the marine parade market and we settled down there. The food was just average and it sum up isn't too expensive nor cheap cos' most of us isn't full and headed off to the bakery nearby to get bread. Off to parkway to walk cos' B's brother want to get a watch for himself. But ite after walking a couple of watch shop nothing caught his eye. So we went to bugis as B wanted to do his watch too. B's dad dropped us at bugis junction first and headed to bencoolen street. We went to fix his watch and headed there aftermath. Walk around at the bencoolen and search for watch. The watch are cheap, dirt cheap than the retail shops outside at the shopping mall. I swear I will go there next time to get cheap watch. B's brother got the watch he like and off we go to the singapore flyer! Super happy cos' to me it's the first time I went out with boyfriend family. We had many first time apparently. Ate at the hawker (some sought of bbq thing) at the basement of the flyer. Not cheap though. After that we went home in B's sister boyf car as B's dad need to go off to work.